Video Available for the Handheld and Portable Computer Club's
Tenth Anniversary Conference - London, England Sept. 19-20, 1992
The HPCC Conference
in September was a great success with interesting speakers,
presentations and demonstrations. Over a hundred attendees enjoyed
the weekend and look forward to future conferences in Europe. This
conference was videotaped in its entirety and is approximately 12
hours and 15 minutes in length. It is available on 4 DVDs for
$15.00 including postage or on a single DVD disk for $10.00 including postage.
Send a check or Paypal ("") to:
Schwartz 135 Saxby Terrace Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003 856-787-3582 work 856-751-1310 home |
A list of the topics is shown below.
1. Friday evening, 9/18/92 early-arrivers' informal gathering at the Embassy House Hotel. Richard Nelson of Educalc speaks primarily on the TI81 and TI85 calculators, Sharp EL9300, HP handhelds, Educalc, SunDisk flash EPROM cards for the HP95 (up to ten meg capacity) and the BSE portable battery-powered hard disk drive (up to 120 meg capacity) for palmtops.
2. Saturday morning, 9/19/92 at Imperial College. Introductory comments by HPCC chariman Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz followed by all attendees introducing themselves.
3. Jim Donnelly of HP Corvallis speaks on "The Prehistory of Calculators" with a slide presentation of early mechanical and electronic computing devices from the 19th and 20th centuries.
4. Craig Finseth presents highlights of his "HP Data Base" - a comprehensive collection of information on all HP handhelds from 1972 (HP35) to the present.
5. Views of the HP35 birthday cake, the vendor area and vendor products, the conference registration table and a display of most of HP's handhelds.
6. David Frodsham of DIP speaks on the future of technology for handhelds and palmtops. (DIP was the designer of both the Atari Portfolio and the Sharp PC-3000 palmtops.)
7. Raan Young of HP Corvallis gives a demonstration of the HP95 sending Email via the Ericksson "Mobidem" radio-modem and receiving a page via the SkyTel radio-paging device. (This demo successfully transmitted signals from London to Corvallis, Oregon and back to London again.)
8. Richard Nelson speaks on conference issues, door prizes, etc.
9. Raan Young presents a 28-minute videotaped Hewlett-Packard Corvallis Division plant tour which includes outside shots plus views of the Calculator "Hall of Fame", the lab, HP95 production area and calculator product phone support area. Also included are some brief words from Dennis York, Bill Wickes, Chris Bunsen, Everett Kaser, Greg Sanker and Frank Wales.
10.Mark Ellis of HP U.K. speaks on Hewlett-Packard's vision of the future of palmtop and handheld computing and communicating devices.
11.Richard Nelson says a few words about Educalc HP48 Goodies Disk production by Joseph Horn.
12.Conference first-day speakers' panel Q & A session (mostly directed toward the three Hewlett-Packard representatives). Questions such as "Is the Saturn CPU dead?","What's happening in the HP95 line from here?", "How difficult would it be to port HP48 RPL to another platform?", "Will HP's Kittyhawk 1.3-inch hard drive appear as an HP95 peripheral?", etc.
13.Views of the HP35 "Birthday Party" with cake cutting and awarding of the door prizes. Also is a glimpse of the equipment auction which was held immediately afterwards.
14.Meeting of heads of European HP user clubs to discuss possible formation of a coalition called "HEX" (Handheld European Exchange).
15.Richard Nelson speaks on upcoming third-party products for HP handhelds.
16.Brian Walsh gives a presentation on a proposed HP48 "Help System".
17.Megha Shyam of Sparcom describes his company's current products and gives some previews of upcoming HP48 and HP95 products from Sparcom.
18.Craig Finseth speaks on "The Anatomy of an HP95 Software Application".
19.Graeme Cawsey talks about writing multilingual applications for the HP95 LX.
20.Colin Mason of Mitsubishi Electric gives a presentation "Memory Cards - Technology and New Directions".
21.Brian Walsh talks about System RPL tools.
22.Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz speaks on teaching using handhelds.
23.Lee Woodruff discusses computer algebra systems versus the HP48.
24.Jim Donnelly presents ideas on developing utilities for the HP48 using HP's development tools.
25.Jurjen Bos speaks about "abusing HP48 plot commands" to draw recurrent functions.
26.Jake Schwartz discusses an alternate index to the HP48 manuals.
27.Richard Nelson talks about handheld conferences past and future. A conference in the fall of 1993 is tentatively planned for somewhere on the West Coast (California or Oregon). Also, the PROMPT group from Holland announced that they would like to sponsor a conference in 1994.
28.Mark Cracknell gave some closing remarks and Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz made closing announcements.
29.A visit to the Science Museum to see the Babbage Difference Engine #2 demonstrated. (This replica was completed in 1991 and contains over four thousand moving parts.)
30.Views from the conference breakfast on the morning after.